Home » Parenting » Viral New Zealand PSA “Mistakes” Strikes a Chord Worldwide

Viral New Zealand PSA “Mistakes” Strikes a Chord Worldwide

Public Service Announcements, PSA for short, have always been well intentioned yet often come across as either too preachy or over the top in presentation. The desired effect of persuading the pubic into taking responsible actions results in a collective shrug of the shoulders. Life goes on along with millions of daily preventable bad decisions elevating the statistics of epic fails. Yet once in awhile a PSA comes along that literally makes us take pause. Created by the New Zealand Transport Agency, the ad, aptly tilted “Mistakes” has gone viral. Rightly so. Awakens even the coldest heart.

As a Dad, I found this particularly poignant. It’s so easy to get caught up in racing to get places in our over scheduled lives. Time to slow down. What do you think?