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No More Watching New Star Wars Movie Trailers

Star Wars 7
Did you see it? The second teaser trailer for the upcoming “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” narrated by Luke Skywalker (Mark Hamill)? We wouldn’t go as far as to describe it as life affirming, but it’s darn close for Star Wars fans of all ages. Perhaps the force that’s being awakened is the collective wave of nostalgic memories sparked by the experience of seeing and hearing old friends on the big screen again. Yet we can’t help feeling that viewing any more details of the upcoming movie will exponentially diminish the chance to immerse oneself in this new world.

“Star Wars: The Force Awakens” marks the beginning of unchartered territory. A new chapter in the Star Wars universe no one on the planet has seen before. As tempting as it may be to watch future trailers before the Christmas 2015 release, we at CuteMonster.com advocate a self-imposed boycott. Discipline with a capital D! Besides, what’s an 8 month wait anyway?
han and chewy

Enjoy the latest last movie trailer you’ll watch for the upcoming “Star Wars: The Force Awakens” because spoilers will not win this time. Nope.