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Captain America: Civil War Marks the Peak of Superhero Movies

Captain America: Civil War
In the past, discussing Captain America comics or any superhero related topic for that matter wasn’t necessarily the coolest thing to do in grammar school. At the time, one would have been ridiculed and mockingly branded a nerd. Revisiting the subject in the present reveals a shocking paradigm shift. Mainstream pop culture and nerd culture have become synonymous. The past 10 years arguably could be classified as the Golden Age of Comic Book Movies. I never imagined my boyhood heroes would so aptly be depicted on the big screen. In fact, the recently released Captain America: Civil War may represent the pinnacle of multi-superhero comic book movies.

How’s the Story?

Picking up from Captain America: The Winter Soldier and Avengers: Age of Ultron, the Avengers have come under scrutiny for the level of destruction and civilian deaths as a result of their team’s collective actions. The countries of the world demand oversight of the Avengers which results in a division of opinion in the ranks—namely between Iron Man and Captain America. Factor in events which may or may not have involved Bucky Barnes aka The Winter Soldier and the plot, as they say, thickens.

How are the Special Effects?

Much like the legendary special effects teams which gave us Star Wars and The Lord of the Rings, it’s easy to see that great care and respect was given by Disney and Marvel Studios to the subject matter. The costume design, gadgetry, and character movements are true to their comic book origins. The smart, thrilling action sequences will leave moviegoers smiling for days.

The movie has a PG-13 Rating. Can I bring my kids?

There are several intense scenes of violence. Yet they are more along the lines of super heroes fighting rather than blood and gore. In my opinion, a film like Jaws, which has the same rating, would be more traumatic for young viewers. I’d recommend Captain America: Civil war for ages 9 and up based on your child’s level of exposure to the Comic Book SuperHero genre.

Any opportunity for Bathroom Breaks during the movie?

It’s a fast-paced film with few lulls in the action. But if nature’s pull is too strong to ignore, I’d suggest waiting until when Captain America and his team are traveling in civilian clothing.

Overall Rating: A-

Rated PG-13. Recommended for ages 9 and up.

Pros:The story, although a little muddy at times, moves quickly. The on-screen collection of superheroes is legitimately marvelous. Epic battles. Spider-man.

Cons:Action sequences are phenomenal. It will be difficult for future movies to top it.

Official Trailer for Captain America: Civil War