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Congratulations Baby, you have a Brand New Dad

assembly roar
I’ve been a Dad for nearly 10 years. My grey hairs and sleep-deprived appearance prove it. Yet in my rare moments of coherence, a smile emerges across my face from cheek to cheek. I’m more than just a father. And I’m thankful to the little humans in our family. You see, although science informs me my wife and I created our children, it was my kids who transformed me into a Dad.

The Truly Bad Pre-Dad Days

When my wife announced to me were were having a baby I was shellshocked. As the months passed my anxiety grew exponentially. I felt as though I was helplessly strapped into a roller coaster with my hair on fire. Panic attacks led to a racing heart that required hospitalization in order to slow down. Things were bad.

The Transformation Begins

2006-Dec-crib-diaper_225It’s not hyperbole to claim the birth of my son saved me. It did. The overbearing weight on my shoulders lifted. I was no longer an expectant father. I became a Dad. A calm washed over me. A new focus emerged. I looked at my newborn son. I had no time for self-induced fear. My son needed me. And I needed him.

And Then There were Two

2009_Shd_225Our second child arrived almost exactly two years later. We had a girl! Doubt instantly crept into my mind once again but for a different reason than before. I had no idea how to raise a girl. Indeed, I still found my wife to be a mystery (an amazing, love of my life kind of mystery, right honey?). I would be navigating unchartered waters once more. My daughter of course, held all the answers. She was funny. She grew up to play with dinosaurs. She laughed at my silly jokes. She loved science and art and dancing and Ninja Turtles too! I could be a father to this little girl. But she helped me be a Dad to a daughter.

Missing Changing Diapers

What? You expected me to write that I missed this activity? That would be a confirmed no. Yet, I do miss that period of time in my kids’s lives. So many incredible milestones occurred in a short period of time. The days were long but the years flew by. Turning over, sitting up, crawling, standing, climbing, walking, talking, running, potty training, then diaper-free all in one extended dream.

Now, no now, no I mean Now…

Time keeps moving at an incredible pace. My children have grown to be full-fledged elementary school kids and show no signs of slowing down no matter how much I implore them to do so. I try to live in the moment with my family but often fail. Still, reflecting on the past helps to bring life’s ride to a halt albeit briefly. The future remains unwritten and that’s fine by me. I wanted to thank the babies in my life. We’ve truly grown up together.

Disclosure: I have partnered with Life of Dad and Pampers for this promotion.

Pampers has released a new #ThanksBaby video that captures the amazing relationship that is created between a dad and his baby when a baby is born and the beautiful journey of fatherhood begins.
