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SmartyPants Vitamins to the Rescue

SmartyPants Vitamins
Throughout my life I’ve tried to maintain a healthy balance of diet and exercise. Yet once kids entered the mix, my priorities shifted to my children. As a result, my personal health had been an afterthought. I never went off on the deep end though. I still exercised occasionally and would refrain from overindulging in junk food. Regardless, I knew I should be doing something more to regain my full healthy routine. Enter SmartyPants Vitamins.

It all began with bumping into Clay Nichols at the Dad 2.0 Summit in San Francisco this past February. He’s one of the co-founders of Dadlabs and had always been a trusted resource for parents. When I found out he moved on to a new venture, namely as the VP for SmartyPants Vitamins, the company piqued my interest. SmartyPants Vitamins samples were provided to attendees of the Dad 2.0 summit. They’re gummy multi-vitamins without any added sugar, preservatives and caffeine. In addition, the company emphasizes using natural ingredients that are eco-friendly. Still, I was skeptical. You can’t have “healthy” ingredients and expect the product to taste good, right? I was wrong. They’re delicious and maybe even slightly addicting in the sense that if they didn’t contain a measured dose of vitamins in each gummy, they would be a fine treat for snacking.

In full disclosure, after the Dad 2.0 Summit, SmartyPants Vitamins reached out to CuteMonster.com to see how we could work with them to shed light on their brand. I was more than happy to do so since we only partner with companies whose products we’ve used and can recommend. Plus I knew I could provide a completely unbiased evaluation given that my family consists of picky eaters.

The Taste Test
smartypants noFirst up for the taste test was my youngest child. She opted to try the Kids Complete Multi + Omega 3 + Vitamin D. Her first impression, she “liked the flavor but wished they had a grape version instead”. As of this writing, the flavor of the SmartyVitamins Kids gummy vitamins is more citrus oriented.

smartypants yesNext up was my oldest. He tried the same version as his younger sister and “liked them a lot” and “wanted more!” to which I told him he’d have to wait until tomorrow.

Last but not least was my wife. She declined to taste them at all because she “really can’t stand gummy anything!” Fair enough. I can’t stand prunes yet some people swear by them.

As for me, well, they had me at Dad 2.0 Summit. I’ve now officially included SmartyPants Vitamins into my morning routine. As mentioned previously, my overall health regimen of a balanced diet and exercise had been in decline since becoming a Dad. Yet a simple action like taking one’s vitamins in the morning can be the catalyst to treat oneself right throughout the day. Sometimes it’s just a matter of taking the first step.

SmartyPants makes a 1-for-1 matching nutrient grant to a child in need through their partnership with Vitamin Angels.

Please note dear readers to check with your own pediatrician/doctor before forging ahead with any dietary changes.

What’s your catalyst as a parent to live a healthy lifestyle?