Animaniacs!, a hit animated series that debuted in 1993 which was produced by Steven Spielberg for the Fox Kids and the WB channels, is now available on Netflix. Every episode was a wacky adventure featuring the shenanigans of the Warner Brothers Wacko, Jacko and sister Dot. Rich with slap-stick comedy and pop culture references, the show quickly caught on with kids and adults alike. Now all 99 episodes are available for streaming on Netflix. Let the binge watching begin.
This trio may well be the true successor to animation’s entertainment triple threat, Bugs Bunny. Each show offered up a scenario allowing for song, dance and comedy hijinks galore. Animaniacs! high production values were reminiscent of the creative teams of the 1940s and 1950s. In a sense, the Spielberg produced series was an homage to the golden era of Warner Brothers animation. It’s well worth a look.
Intro to Animaniacs!
What’s your favorite animated series in the past or the present?