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Congratulations Baby, you have a Brand New Dad

A baby holds the power to turn an ordinary man into a Dad.

The Reluctant Sleeper who would be King of Rest

How one man aspired to transform his parent related sleep-deprived life to a glorious future as the King of Rest.

It’s Cold Outside but I Can Take It

Fisherman's Friend

Toughing it out during the cold winter requires tolerance and endurance against the elements.

Yo-kai Watch Me Now

Yo-kai Watch

Introducing Yo-kai Watch to my family was an eye opening experience.

A Hero in Pink


Sometimes you make choices in life which require an assist from an old friend.

Celebrating Acts of Kindness is Kind of Awesome


Recognizing and celebrating kindness benefits humanity. A life hack that keeps on giving.

The Force is strong with Family Game Night

Hasbro Star Wars Games Giveaway

Family game night just got upgraded by The Force with the inclusion of Star Wars.

Toys and The Battle to Play


Sibling rivalry is a real thing. So is having fun. Read about how play and Playskool toys opened the door to new adventures.

Children’s Online Safety Requires Parents to Adapt

Healthy Dads

Tackling Children’s online safety requires parents to be ready to adapt.