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Toys and Gadgets

Toys and Gadgets: Turtle Beach Stream Mic Review

Turtle Beach Stream Mic

Best known for its Video Game Headset solutions, Turtle Beach enters the fray with a standalone microphone solution known as the Stream Mic.

Toys and Gadgets: Moto Racer 4 Review

Moto Racer 4

Review of Moto Racer 4, a blisteringly fast-paced motorcycle racing video game that promises to satiate gear heads need for speed.

Toys and Gadgets: Nintendo Switch Games, Specs, & Latest News

nintendo switch

More details on the upcoming Nintendo Switch console, a major release from the video game giant that holds great potential for innovative game play.

Toys and Gadgets: Funko Playmobil Figures Arriving Soon

Funko Playmobil

First look at the newly released toy figures from the historic Funko Playmobil partnership. An early entry that points to an exciting 2017 NY Toy Fair.

Toys and Gadgets: XBOX One S Test Drive

Xbox One S

We finally succumbed to pressure and purchased an Xbox One S. Check out our review to see if Microsoft’s latest game console lives up to the hype.

Kickstarter Spotlight: Moonlite Bedtime Story Projector

Moonlite Kickstarter

Spotlight look at a the Kickstarter project known as Moonlite. It’s a Bedtime Story Projector that could be a game changer for parents.

Toys and Gadgets: Nintendo Super Mario Run is Here!

Nintendo Super Marion Run

First look at the new mobile platform game from video game industry giant Nintendo. Introducing Super Mario Run now available for smartphones.

Toys and Gadgets: Xtreme Cycle Moto-Cam Review

Xtreme Cycle Moto Cam

Review of Wicked Toys RC motorcycle called Xtreme Cycle Moto-Cam, an RC bike that allows you to capture video footage by means of a built-in helmet camera.

Toys and Gadgets: Skylanders Imaginators Review

skylanders imaginators

Activision’s Skylanders gaming franchise comes roaring back in 2016. The newly released Skylanders Imaginators unleashes the imagination of gamers.