If one wasn’t actually living the experience on a daily basis, being a parent could be construed as quite comical. We as parents collectively lose our minds tending to the growth and well being of little people. Sure there’s an abundance of rewarding moments overflowing with joy and laughter. But for the most part, it’s just plain hard work. Trying to impart this concept to child-free couples and singles alike usually results in blank stares or downright disbelief. The best advice I can offer to the uninitiated is simply “You’ll see.” In the meantime, perhaps a few comedy videos about parenting might be helpful.
Michael McIntyre – People with No Kids Don’t Know
Louis CK – Why? (Parenting, kids and questions) – explicit language used
Bill Cosby – Brain Damage
What funny videos about being a parent would you recommend to child-free friends thinning about starting a family?