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New Batman v Superman Trailer Debuts Villain

Batman v Superman
Can a movie trailer reveal too much? That seems to be the consensus among DC fans and mainstream fans alike after watching the recently released trailer for Batman v Superman. To be fair, this is only a movie trailer and not the complete film. Yet it seems major movie plot points have been disclosed which inadvertently deflate the tension built up in previous trailers.

Then there’s the matter of the CGI villain revealed at the end of trailer. It seems like something found in a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle film. I kept waiting for Michelangelo to join up with Batman, Superman and Wonder Woman. Now THAT would be an unexpected plot twist.


Aside from the controversial casting of Ben Affleck in the role of Batman, super villain Lex Luthor (played by Jesse Eisenberg) has also raised eyebrows. Yet despite any potential misgivings, we here at CuteMonster HQ plan to reserve judgement until seeing the movie in its entirety. Keep in mind the first prequel for Star Wars was also highly anticipated. It had fantastic trailers. The movie though, fell far short of the hype. Also, consider that Guardians of the Galaxy had an awful trailer. Yet the movie was a rip roaring success. Batman v Superman may surprise us all.

Take a gander at the new trailer for Batman V Superman.

What do you think? Batman v Superman debuts March 25, 2016.