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Learning How to Communicate Again

As human beings, it would seem a given we all know how to communicate with one another. And yet, this inherent skill set has eroded with the advent of technology. More people now Text Message one another with their mobile devices than actually make phone calls. Real life conversations have become the exception rather than the rule. Social Media has led to an increased sense of alienation. Still, hope springs eternal. The good news is that it’s just a matter of learning the fundamentals again.

Remember to Breathe

Projecting one’s voice without yelling is key in carrying out a discussion with one person or many in a variety of spaces. Unlike yelling which primarily uses your vocal cords, projection utilizes breath from the diaphragm to create the volume you want. A simple technique to learn how to project your voice is using The “ha” exercise. Take a big breath in – expanding your lungs down and your abdomen out – and then force the air out on a “ha.” You’ll notice that projection adds more depth and a deeper pitch to your voice as well.

Communicate with Eye Contact

Our eyes speaks volumes about us and how we communicate. Eye contact signals to the person you’re a good listener. Your eyes act as a form of body language which helps build a connection with others. They can facilitate establishing trust and respect. They reflect our comfort level communicating with another human being. Conversely, avoiding eye contact can produce a negative impression or miscommunication in general. The right balance of eye contact requires moderation.

Listen Attentively

Some of the greatest Actors in the world excel at their craft due to the art of listening. You shouldn’t focus exclusively on what you’re going to say next when having a conversation. It’s more beneficial to listen to what’s being said and respond back with relevant ideas. That will demonstrate you’re truly engaged in the moment. It will also help remove awkward moments due to lapse in communication.

Be Genuine

Being transparent earns trust. It’s okay to smile if the mood hits you but never force it. We all appreciate sincerity. It’s part of what makes us human beings.

Despite technology being pervasive in our lives in the 21st century, humanity will always bind us to one another. There will never be an app for that. Now if we can just solve the problem of kids flipping bottles. But that’s a whole other conversation.

What do you think? What steps have you taken to reconnect with people in real life?