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Marvel Cinema Universe welcomes Captain Marvel

Captain Marvel
The hype for “Captain Marvel” has been steadily growing since “Avengers: Infinity War” debuted in 2018. Indeed, the enduring Marvel Cinema Universe finds itself in a state of transition. Several key members of the Avengers will be departing the franchise in the near future. Marvel Studios needs the worldwide release of  the Captain Marvel movie to capture the imagination of fans. So how does Brie Larson stack up playing the title role?

How’s the “Captain Marvel” Story?

Admittedly, I knew little about the character prior to watching the movie. Yet I felt it would provide me an unbiased perspective when screening the film. As with any super hero origin story, the main character’s arc depends on how the individual rises to the occasion by overcoming a series of life changing obstacles. It’s a way to humanize protagonists despite their superhuman abilities. After watching the movie in its entirety, I had the sense that much of Brie Larson’s performance was left on the cutting room floor; at least in respect to Captain Marvel’s aka Carol Danvers’ back story. Sure there were flashbacks.  But key emotional moments offering greater connection with Carol Danvers were never fleshed out. As a result, the action-packed story moves along at a nice pace but felt hollow at times. The one exception? The smile-inducing relationship between a young Nick Fury and Carol Danvers.

How are the Special Effects?

In order to present a 1995 version of Nick Fury, the special effects Wizards at Marvel Studios had to utilize digital de-aging effects applied to the face of Samuel Jackson. I can attest the result was seamless on screen. The flight and fight sequences of Captain Marvel represented another example of the action movie excellence fans have grown accustomed to over the years. Clearly, they spared no expense.

Can my kids see Captain Marvel?

The level of violence in the movie does not exceed that of previous Marvel Studios efforts. It deserves its PG-13 rating but it’s in line with typical comic book movie violence without excessive gore. I’d recommend ages 10 and up based on the child’s previous exposure to the comic book movie genre.

Any bathroom break opportunities during the movie?

As mentioned previously, the movie moves at a quick pace. But if nature’s call is strong, then opt for when Nick Fury and Carol Danvers are on their road trip trading quips.

Overall Rating: B+

Pros: Samuel Jackson gives a wonderfully light performance adding new dimensions to Nick Fury’s backstory. Brie Larson shows tremendous potential to grow into the role. Wonderful special effects. Ben Mendelsohn provides heart in the role of Talos.

Cons: The writing doesn’t support enough character development for Carol Danvers.

Official Marvel Studios’ Captain Marvel


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