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Sonic the Hedgehog: New Trailer Reveals Character Design

Sonic the Hedgehog, beloved Sega video game character, has been revamped. The original live-action flick trailer of SEGA’s iconic blue speedster featured a tall and lanky iteration with human teeth. The internet lost its mind. Given the less than favorable reaction, the good folks at Paramount went back to the drawing board. As you’ll see, progress has been made. All is well with the universe once more.

Overall, 2019 served up a bonanza of bizarre movie trailers. For example, the reveal of the live-action Cats movie based on the Broadway play presented a surreal montage of anthropomorphic cats scaled to actual cat size in a human based environment. There’s also an inadvertent reference to the “Furry” subculture that’s difficult to ignore. On the upside, the dance choreography and music shine as expected. But I digress. The latest iteration of Sonic the Hedgehog looks fantastic.

Earlier in the year, Sonic the Hedgehog Director Jeff Fowler tweeted his intention to revise the character design mishap with a ‘#gottafixfast’ hashtag. The brand-new promo emphasizes the character’s revamped-but-classic look. We at CuteMonster HQ think the good folks at Paramount have succeeded in correcting what surely would have been a disaster.

Sonic the Hedgehog (2020)

Here’s that Cats trailer.


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