After a horrendous 2020 exited the stage, 2021 has sprung forth offering new possibilities. Will we collectively sit this one out or get up and dance?
After a horrendous 2020 exited the stage, 2021 has sprung forth offering new possibilities. Will we collectively sit this one out or get up and dance?
Reflecting on the life and times of brilliant cosmologist, mathematician, and physicist Stephen Hawking. His life and legacy will endure.
The art of communication need not be lost to technology. Learn to communicate again.
Feelings of anxiety and emotionally charged tension run high during a Presidential election year. Some ideas to get back to a better place.
Drastic changes in a fast-paced world makes one pause for thought. There’s been an awakening.
Taking a big picture look at X-Files, Barbie and the newly released gluten-free Cheerios.
Getting to know Oren Miller, a great Dad, husband, writer, and champion for fatherhood.
Introspection about what it means to be a human being in a post September 11th world.